ELCHK, Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation Kwan Shon Hing Yu Chui Neighbourhood Elderly Centre


Since 2002, the centre has provided comprehensive and diversified elderly community support services at neighbourhood level to the elders and community residents.

Service districts
Sha Tin (Yu Chui Court, City One, Kwong Yuen Estate, Yue Tin Court)

Service Objectives
- Assisting the elderly to maintain a healthy, respected and dignified life
-Promoting the residents to build a caring community
-Offering comprehensive services to meet the psychosocial and personal care needs
of both healthy or frail elders.

Target Groups
Elders aged 60 or above, carers and local partners

Centre Facilities
Rooms: activity rooms, meeting rooms, pantries
Special facilities: table for table tennis, massage chair, shock prevention machine,
Rehab materials and elderly resource corners, chesses, reading corner

Membership Application

  • 金咭會員:60歲或以上,每年30元 (包括21元會員費及9元行政費)
  • 銀咭會員:50歲至59歲,無須年費 (只可享用銀咭會員活動及福利)



  • 有效會籍由每年4月1日至翌年3月31日止。會員必須在每年4月1日前,親臨本中心辦理續會手續。如未能如期 辦妥續會手續者,則作自動退會論。
  • 會員如欲退出會籍,請以書面提出或填寫退出會籍申請表,連同會員證交回本中心處理,然而所繳付的費用恕不退還。


Contact Information
  • G/F, Yu Chui Court, Ancillary Facilities Block, Sha Tin
  • 2630-7070
  • 2630-7123
  • ycnec@elchk.org.hk
Opening Hours
-Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday:8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday

Secondary address
G/F, Block 42, City One Shatin (1 Tak Po Street)
Tel:3692 5078
Fax:3692 5071

-Opening Hours
Monday to Friday:
9:00am - 5:00pm