Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong

總處(Head Office)
地址: 九龍窩打老道50A信義樓一字樓
1/F, Lutheran Building, 50A Waterloo Road, Kowloon
電 話(Tel): (852) 2710-8313
傳 真(Fax): (852) 2770-1093
電郵(E-mail): admdept@elchk.org.hk

傳訊與協作部 (Communication and Collaboration Department)

地址: 九龍油麻地彌敦道478號森基商業大廈12樓
12th Floor, S. B. Commercial Building, 478 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
電 話(Tel): (852) 3692-5468
傳 真(Fax): (852) 3692-5262
電郵(E-mail): ccd@elchk.org.hk


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