ELCHK, Integrated Service Centre for Reconciliation


Since 1997, ELCHK started the Community Youth Enhancement Scheme in Tin Shui Wai District, North District, Tuen Mun District, and Tai Po District, providing assistance for youth who are administered under the Police Superintendent's Discretion Scheme,  to experience new changes afresh, and establishing a healthy self-image.  In October of 2001, the Community Support Service Scheme was launched under funding support from the Social Welfare Department, which is currently the Youth Enhancement Scheme (YES). Since April 2019,  supporting services for arrested youth, and counselling services for peers at high risk were also started.

Service Districts
Sha Tin District, Tai Po District, North District, Frontier Area, Yuen Long District, and Tin Shui Wai District

Service Objectives
1. Helping youngsters to understand their rights and obligations in the legal system
2. Enhance youngsters' anti-drug awareness
3. Rebuild a healthy self-image of youngsters
4. Improve youngsters' life skills and learning motivation
5. Improve youngsters' social interaction skills
6. Strengthen the family support of youngsters
7. Assist youngsters to reintegrate into society
8. Explore space for youngsters' development and growth 

Target Groups
1. Arrested youngsters from 10 years to under 18 years of age
2. Youngsters who are administered under the Police Superintendent's Discretion Scheme(PSDS)
3. Peers

Services Overview

Contact Information
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday:10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm