ELCHK, Sheung Tak Integrated Youth Service Centre


The centre is a service unit of the youth service under the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong (ELCHK). It started operation in July 1999. This Centre adopts an integrated approach with multifarious services, including centre-based service and school social work service (HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No. 3 Secondary School, Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School). It aims at providing the community with more comprehensive and quality services.

Service District
Tseung Kwan O

Service Objectives
The centre provides multifarious services for the youths and their families in the community with the following objectives:

  1. To facilitate the personal development of children and youth  to develop their life skills, potentials and problem-solving ability;
  2. To enhance the social  development of children and youth in building up  their positive social values, enhancing their interpersonal and family relationships as well as contributing to the  well-being of the community;
  3. To provide guidance and support to children and youth in disadvantaged circumstances such as disadvantaged family environment and deprived living environment and unfavorable social environment etc. and to direct them to more positive lifestyle;
  4. To adopt a community-based planning strategy to respond and address to local youth needs and  to arouse the community’s concern on youth issues so that young people could grow up in a more concern and supportive environment.

Target Groups

Children and Youths aged 6 to 24, and their families living or studying in Sheung Tak Estate, Kwong Ming Court, Po Ming Court, Beverly Garden, Tseung Kwan O Plaza and .
The Grandiose.

Centre Facilities
- Four dancing rooms
- One band room
- Hall with lighting and audio equipment
- Cookery room
- Play therapy room for kids
- Two music rooms

Services Overview

Membership Application

1年$15 (個人會員)
1年$30 (家庭會員)
免費 (綜援會員)

  • 填妥表格
  • 帶備身份證或其他身份證明文件 (如出世紙或手冊)
  • 繳交年費
  • 將以上資料交回本中心辦理

  • 使用及借用中心設施及資源,如康樂設施、圖書閣、電腦遊戲、參考資料等
  • 優先報名參加各項活動
  • 以特價參加指定活動
  • 定期收到中心通訊
  • 凡持有本中心會員證,均可於尚德商場指定商舖內享有折扣優惠。(詳情請參閱季訊)

  • 有效會籍期為一年(由申請日開始計算)
  • 成為會員後,欲退出中心會籍者,可以用書面提出或向中心索取「退出會籍」表格填寫,但已交會費恕不退還。


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Contact Information
Opening Hours
Closed on Monday and Sunday
Tuesday,Thursday and Friday:2:15pm - 5:45pm、7:00pm - 9:45pm
:10:15am - 12:45pm、2:15pm - 5:45pm、7:00pm - 9:45pm