ELCHK, Sheung Tak Integrated Youth Service Centre


Sheung Tak Integrated Youth Service Centre(STIT) was a service unit under ELCSS-HK’s Youth Service, and was officially established in July, 1999. Our centre adopts an integrated service approach by lining up our centre-based services, outreaching services and school social work services in order to provide a range of quality service to our teenagers.

Service District
Tseung Kwan O

Service Objectives
The centre provides multifarious services for the youths and their families in the community with the following objectives:
- To inspire children and youths in physical, psychological and intellectual development
- To Improve problem solving skills
- To assist youths to overcome challenges of growth
- To enhance family functions
- Building a caring community network to achieve the goal of holistic caring
- To develop teenagers as loving, responsible persons and citizens capable to serve our society.

Target Groups

Children and Youths aged 6 to 24, and their families living or studying in Sheung Tak Estate, Kwong Ming Court, Po Ming Court, Beverly Garden, Tseung Kwan O Plaza and .
The Grandiose.

Centre Facilities
- Four dancing rooms
- One band room
- Hall with lighting and audio equipment
- Cookery room
- Play therapy room for kids
- Two music rooms

Services Overview

Membership Application

1年$15 (個人會員)
1年$30 (家庭會員)
免費 (綜援會員)

  • 填妥表格
  • 帶備身份證或其他身份證明文件 (如出世紙或手冊)
  • 繳交年費
  • 將以上資料交回本中心辦理

  • 使用及借用中心設施及資源,如康樂設施、圖書閣、電腦遊戲、參考資料等
  • 優先報名參加各項活動
  • 以特價參加指定活動
  • 定期收到中心通訊
  • 凡持有本中心會員證,均可於尚德商場指定商舖內享有折扣優惠。(詳情請參閱季訊)

  • 有效會籍期為一年(由申請日開始計算)
  • 成為會員後,欲退出中心會籍者,可以用書面提出或向中心索取「退出會籍」表格填寫,但已交會費恕不退還。


Download Forms

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Contact Information
Opening Hours
Closed on Monday and Sunday
Tuesday,Thursday and Friday:2:15pm - 5:45pm、7:00pm - 9:45pm
:10:15am - 12:45pm、2:15pm - 5:45pm、7:00pm - 9:45pm